Licensing & Compliance

Guaranteed Security

Our licenses are our customer’s guarantee of security.

The licensing requirements of the Northern Territory Government of Australia are highly regarded in the gambling industry, and have often been used as benchmarks in other jurisdictions around the world.

To ensure compliance with the regulatory requirements of our licenses, the Government regularly audits our financial transactions, performance and our operational procedures. The audit processes enable our customers, agents, advertisers and suppliers to have complete confidence in GPN in that it undertakes its business in a professional and appropriate manner.

Audit reports are independently submitted to the Northern Territory Government, and have been completed without issue since 2003.

A requirement of our licenses and good business practice has resulted in GPN establishing a strong and substantial customer service program including government monitored complaints handling.

We employ external legal professionals to ensure that our promotional material does not unintentionally offend international standards in matters of ethics, data privacy, consumer and fair trading legislation.